Fermilab DAQ - hardware documentation

Below is an overview of the DAQ card specifications and its output. A detailed documentation can be found at http://crd.yerphi.am/files/QNetdescription.pdf.

ASCII DAQ output format

sample line of DAQ output - example for the daq data format

triggers r0 f0 r1 f1 r2 f2 r3 f3 onepps gpstime gpsdte gps-valid gps-satelites xx correction
92328FE2 00 3D 00 3E 00 00 00 00 915E10CF 034016.021 060180 V 00 0 +0055

DAQ onboard documentation

Online help on the DAQ cards is available by sending the following commands to the DAQ

  • V1, V2, V3
  • H1,H2


Setting example value description
Run Mode Off CE (cnt enable), CD (cnt disable )
Ch(s) Enabled 3,2,1,0 Cmd DC Reg C0 using (bits 3-0)
Veto Enable Off VE 0 (Off), VE 1 (On)
Veto Select Ch0 Cmd DC Reg C0 using (bits 7,6)
Coincidence 1-4 1-Fold Cmd DC Reg C0 using (bits 5,4)
Pipe Line Delay 40 nS Cmd DT Reg T1=rDelay Reg T2=wDelay 10nS/cnt
Gate Width 100 nS Cmd DC Reg C2=LowByte Reg C3=HighByte 10nS/cnt
Veto Width 0 nS Cmd VG (10nS/cnt)
Ch0 Threshold Ch1 Threshold Ch2 Threshold Ch3 Threshold 0.200 vlts 0.200 vlts 0.200 vlts 0.200 vlts  
Test Pulser Vlt Test Pulse Ena 3.000 vlts Off  

Example line for 1 of 4 channels. (Line Drawing, Not to Scale) Input Pulse edges (begin/end) set rising/falling tags bits. ____~~~~~~_________________________________ Input Pulse, Gate cycle begins __________________~________________________ Delayed Rise Edge ‘RE’ Tag Bit ________________________~__________________ Delayed Fall Edge ‘FE’ Tag Bit _____________ Tag Bits delayed by PipeLnDly ___| |_________________________ PipeLineDelay : 40nS _____________________ _________________| |___ Capture Window: 60nS ___________________________________ ___| |___ Gate Width : 100nS

If ‘RE’,’FE’ are outside Capture Window, data tag bit(s) will be missing. CaptureWindow = GateWidth - PipeLineDelay The default Pipe Line Delay is 40nS, default Gate Width is 100nS. Setup CMD sequence for Pipeline Delay. CD, WT 1 0, WT 2 nn (10nS/cnt) Setup CMD sequence for Gate Width. CD, WC 2 nn(10nS/cnt), WC 3 nn (2.56uS/cnt)


Barometer Qnet Help Page 2 BA - Display Barometer trim setting in mVolts and pressure as mBar. BA d - Calibrate Barometer by adj. trim DAC ch in mVlts (0-4095mV). Flash FL p - Load Flash with Altera binary file(*.rbf), p=password. FR - Read FPGA setup flash, display sumcheck. FMR p - Read page 0-3FF(h), (264 bytes/page) Page 100h= start fpga *.rbf file, page 0=saved setup. GPS NA 0 - Append NMEA GPS data Off,(include 1pps data). NA 1 - Append NMEA GPS data On, (Adds GPS to output). NA 2 - Append NMEA GPS data Off,(no 1pps data). NM 0 - NMEA GPS display, Off, (default), GPS port speed 38400, locked. NM 1 - NMEA GPS display (RMC + GGA + GSV) data. NM 2 - NMEA GPS display (ALL) data, use with GPS display applications. Test Pulser TE m - Enable run mode, 0=Off, 1=One cycle, 2=Continuous. TD m - Load sample trigger data list, 0=Reset, 1=Singles, 2=Majority. TV m - Voltage level at pulse DAC, 0-4095mV, TV=read. Serial # SN p n - Store serial # to flash, p=password, n=(0-65535 BCD). SN - Display serial number (BCD). Status ST - Send status line now. This resets the minute timer. ST 0 - Status line, disabled. ST 1 m - Send status line every (m) minutes.(m=1-30, def=5). ST 2 m - Include scalar data line, chs S0-S4 after each status line. ST 3 m - Include scalar data line, plus reset counters on each timeout. TI n - Timer (day hr:min:sec.msec), TI=display time, (TI n=0 clear). U1 n - Display Uart error counter, (U1 n=0 to zero counters). VM 1 - View mode, 0x80=Event_Demarcation_Bit outputs a blank line. - View mode returns to normal after ‘CD’,’CE’,’ST’ or ‘RE’.

H1 Quarknet Scintillator Card, Qnet2.5 Vers 1.11 Compiled Jul 15 2009 HE=Help Serial#=6531 uC_Volts=3.33 GPS_TempC=0.0 mBar=1023.8

CE - TMC Counter Enable. CD - TMC Counter Disable. DC - Display Control Registers, (C0-C3). WC a d - Write Control Registers, addr(0-6) data byte(H). DT - Display TMC Reg, 0-3, (1=PipeLineDelayRd, 2=PipeLineDelayWr). WT a d - Write TMC Reg, addr(1,2) data byte(H), if a=4 write delay word. DG - Display GPS Info, Date, Time, Position and Status. DS - Display Scalar, channel(S0-S3), trigger(S4), time(S5). RE - Reset complete board to power up defaults. RB - Reset only the TMC and Counters. SB p d - Set Baud,password, 1=19K, 2=38K, 3=57K ,4=115K, 5=230K, 6=460K, 7=920K SA n - Save setup, 0=(TMC disable), 1=(TMC enable), 2=(Restore Defaults). TH - Thermometer data display (@ GPS), -40 to 99 degrees C. TL c d - Threshold Level, signal ch(0-3)(4=setAll), data(0-4095mV), TL=read. Veto - Veto select, Off=’VE 0’, On=’VE 1’, Gate=’VG c’, 0-255(D) 10ns/cnt. View - View setup registers. Setup=V1, Voltages(V2), GPS LOCK(V3). HELP - HE,H1=Page1, H2=Page2, HB=Barometer, HS=Status, HT=Trigger.

VE2 V2 Barometer Pressure Sensor Calibration Voltage = 1495 mVolts Use Cmd ‘BA’ to calibrate. Sensor Output Voltage= 1655 mVolts (2.93mV * 565 Cnts) Pressure mBar = 1023.6 (1655.5 - 1500)/15 + 1013.25 Pressure inch = 30.63 (mBar / 33.42)

Timer Capture/Compare Channel TempC = 0.0 Error? Check sensor cable connection at GPS unit. TempF = 32.0 (TempC * 1.8) + 32

Analog to Digital Converter Channels(ADC) Vcc 1.80V = 1.82 vlts (2.93mV * 621 Cnts) Vcc 1.20V = 1.19 vlts (2.93mV * 407 Cnts) Pos 2.50V = 2.45 vlts (2.93mV * 837 Cnts) Neg 5.00V = 5.03 vlts (7.38mV * 682 Cnts) Vcc 3.30V = 3.33 vlts (4.84mV * 689 Cnts) Pos 5.00V = 4.84 vlts (7.38mV * 656 Cnts) 5V Test Max=4.86v Min=4.84v Noise=0.015v

V3 10 Second Accumulation of 1PPS Latched 25MHz Counter. (20 line buffer) Buffer Now (hex) Prev-Now (dec) (25e6*10) 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 16 0 0 17 0 0 18 0 0 19 0 0 20 0 0

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