muonic setup and installation

Muonic consists of two main parts: 1. the python package muonic 2. a python executable


muonic needs the following packages to be installed (list may not be complete!)

  • python-scipy
  • python-matplotlib
  • python-numpy
  • python-qt4
  • python-serial
  • python-future

installation with pip

Muonic can be installed using pip via

pip install muonic.

Pip will try to install all necessary dependencies as python packages. It can happen that all packages are already installed, e.g. as Ubuntu packages, but not in the same version as available in PyPI. In this case, pip will install the newest version from pypi. If you would like to avoid this, make sure that all dependencies are met and use pip install –no-deps muonic.

installation with the script

Run the following command in the directory where you checked out the source code:

python install

This will install the muonic package into your python site-packages directory and also the exectuables muonic and which_tty_daq to your usr/bin directory. It also generates a new directory in your home dir: $HOME/muonic_data

The use of python-virtualenv is recommended.

installing muonic without the setup script

You just need the script ./bin/muonic to the upper directory and rename it to You can do this by typing

mv bin/muonic

while being in the muonic main directory.

Afterwards you have to create the folder muonic_data in your home directory.

mkdir ~/muonic_data

preparing your computer to connect to the DAQ card

The DAQ card uses a serial connection via the USB port. If muonic does not find the DAQ card even though it is connected to the computer, try adding the user that you use for login to the group dialout:

sudo adduser username dialout.